How to say hello in Turkish is one of the most important things you’ll need to learn when learning the language.

Here are a few words that might help. You may learn them in only a few minutes today and will utilize them frequently on your trip to Turkey.

1- Hello: Merhaba — MEHR-hah-bah

2- Good morning, good day: Günaydın — gew-nahy-DUHN

3- Good evening: İyi akşamlar — EE ahk-shahm-LAHR

4- Good night: İyi geceler — EE geh-jeh-LEHR

5- Goodbye: Allaha ısmarladık — ah-LAHS-mahr-lah-duhk

6- Bon voyage: Güle güle — gew-LEH gew-LEH

7- What is your name?: Adınız ne? — AH-duh-NUHZ neh

8- My name is…: Adım… — Ah-DUHM…

9- How are you?: Nasılsınız? — NAHS-suhl-suh-nuhz

10- I’m fine, thank you.: İyiyim, teşekkür ederim. — ee-YEE-yihm, tesh-ek-KEWR eh-dehr-eem

11- Pardon me: Affedersiniz, pardon — af-feh-DEHR-see- neez, pahr-DOHN

12- Yes/no: Evet/hayır —eh-VEHT/HAH-yuhr

13- Please: Lütfen — LEWT-fehn

14- Help yourself: Buyurun(uz) — BOOY-roon-(ooz)

15- Thanks: Teşekkürler [or] Sağ ol [or] Mersi — teh-sheh-kewr-LEHR, SOWL, mehr-SEE

16- You’re welcome: Bir şey değil —beer SHEHY deh-YEEL

17- Friend: Arkadaş — Ar-kah-DAHSH

18- What?: Ne?– NEH

19- How?: Nasıl? — NAH-suhl

20- Who? – Kim? — KEEM